運用你的數學技能,每小時平均賺取 $19.5-$50

解決真實世界的 AI 挑戰,運用你的問題解決能力賺取報酬,並累積寶貴經驗。透過 Outlier,你可以按自己的時間安排,每週平均賺取 $1500

Total Earnings

$4,043 USD

Total Earnings

$4,043 USD

Current Streak


weeks (3 tasks per week)

Current Streak


weeks (3 tasks per week)

Tasks Completed




Tasks Completed




運用你的數學技能,每小時平均賺取 $19.5-$50

解決真實世界的 AI 挑戰,運用你的問題解決能力賺取報酬,並累積寶貴經驗。透過 Outlier,你可以按自己的時間安排,每週平均賺取 $1500

Total Earnings

$4,043 USD

Total Earnings

$4,043 USD

Current Streak


weeks (3 tasks per week)

Current Streak


weeks (3 tasks per week)

Tasks Completed




Tasks Completed






  • 高等數學、統計或相關的量化領域背景

  • 擅長問題解決與分析思維

  • 具備數學建模與優化能力


  • 準備好將數學應用於 AI 訓練與開發

  • 對 AI 的未來充滿熱情,期待參與其發展

  • 靈活工作,獲得高薪報酬 擺脫辦公室束縛,自由安排工作時間, 憑藉專業知識獲得具競爭力的薪資

為什麼要訓練 AI 模型?

訓練最先進的 AI 聊天機器人

發揮你的專業知識,提升 AI 的公共應用品質




成為全球專家網絡的一員,助力先進 AI 工具發展

Apply Now


  • As a busy mother of four and a full-time college student, I have found Outlier to be a fantastic platform for earning flexible and enjoyable income from the comfort of my own home. It's been a game-changer for me, allowing me to balance my responsibilities while still pursuing financial independence.

    Lauren Pena

  • Working at Outlier has been an enlightening experience. The focus on data quality and analytics has allowed me to hone my skills in a fast-paced, innovative environment.

    Chelsea Stover

  • I appreciate the ability to use my engineering skills but fit it in and around my life and schedule. I am starting my own company but I'm able to pay my bills with outlier and and keep my coding skills sharp. I use AI for coding help all the time, its interesting being on the other side of it helping train it.

    Dan Hamilton

  • As a busy mother of four and a full-time college student, I have found Outlier to be a fantastic platform for earning flexible and enjoyable income from the comfort of my own home. It's been a game-changer for me, allowing me to balance my responsibilities while still pursuing financial independence.

    Lauren Pena

  • Working at Outlier has been an enlightening experience. The focus on data quality and analytics has allowed me to hone my skills in a fast-paced, innovative environment.

    Chelsea Stover

  • I appreciate the ability to use my engineering skills but fit it in and around my life and schedule. I am starting my own company but I'm able to pay my bills with outlier and and keep my coding skills sharp. I use AI for coding help all the time, its interesting being on the other side of it helping train it.

    Dan Hamilton

  • As a busy mother of four and a full-time college student, I have found Outlier to be a fantastic platform for earning flexible and enjoyable income from the comfort of my own home. It's been a game-changer for me, allowing me to balance my responsibilities while still pursuing financial independence.

    Lauren Pena

  • Working at Outlier has been an enlightening experience. The focus on data quality and analytics has allowed me to hone my skills in a fast-paced, innovative environment.

    Chelsea Stover

  • I appreciate the ability to use my engineering skills but fit it in and around my life and schedule. I am starting my own company but I'm able to pay my bills with outlier and and keep my coding skills sharp. I use AI for coding help all the time, its interesting being on the other side of it helping train it.

    Dan Hamilton


什麼是 Outlier?

Outlier 是一個平台,將各領域的專家聯繫起來,共同打造全球最先進的生成式 AI

AI 專家從事哪些工作?

專家參與各類專案,包括為 AI 模型撰寫訓練數據,以及評估模型的輸出結果


專家在 Outlier 平台完成工作後,將每週獲得支付

What screening do you require?

You’ll be asked to provide valid identification and complete a screening exam to assess your domain proficiency. 

Flexible and remote work from home.

Share your experience and earn a competitive salary on your own schedule.

© 2024 Outlier. All rights reserved.

Flexible and remote work from home.

Share your expertise and earn competitive pay on your own schedule.

© 2024 Outlier. All rights reserved.